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Carte in limba engleza: Human Body Q&A

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Carte in limba engleza: Human Body Q&A

Reformatat intr-un pachet distractiv si proaspat, acest titlu Q&A preferat pentru multimea de 10+ va spune cititorilor tot ceea ce au dorit sa stie despre corpul lor. In cadrul Q&A al corpului uman, copiii vor descoperi totul despre corpuri, din cap pana in picioare, intr-un compendiu format cu intrebari si raspunsuri ilustrat fantastic. Cartea este impartita in cinci capitole tematice in care sunt detaliate principalele parti si procese ale corpului uman incredibil. Imbracat cu intrebari convingatoare si cu raspunsuri revelatoare, nicio celula nu este lasata de nevazut.

Reformatted in a fun and fresh package, this favorite Q&A title for the 10+ crowd will tell readers everything they ever wanted to know about their bodies. Inside Human Body Q&A, children will discover everything about bodies from head to toe, in a compelling and fantastically illustrated question-and-answer formatted compendium. The book is divided into five thematic chapters detailing the main parts and processes of the incredible human body. Crammed with compelling questions and revealing answers, no cell is left unturned.

ISBN-13: 9780756692537
ISBN-10: 0756692539
Pagini: 160
Dimensiuni: 97 x 127 x 10 mm
Greutate: 0.14 kg
Editura: Dorling Kindersley - DK
3 vizualizari Bucuresti 20 Apr 23 18:45
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