Caut sa creez si sa promovez influenceri online
5.000 - 10.000 €
Romana - Caut sa creez si sa promovez influenceri online.
Ofer cazare gratuita (fara bani) in urmatoarele conditii:
Caut sa creez si sa promovez influenceri online (baieti/ fete). Vom fi parteneri de afaceri pe baza a 25% (bugetul de marketing din venituri) + 25% (partea mea din profit) + 50% (partea ta din profit). Eu ma voi ocupa de marketing si de management. Tu te vei ocupa de crearea de continut. Vom crea canale fara fata (chiar si cu masca sau cu schimb de fata) sau canale de brand personal. Experienta anterioara de lucru in acest tip de afacere nu este necesara.
In functie de categoria aleasa, cazarea poate fi oferita intr-un apartament cu 3 camere si, eventual, intr-un apartament cu 2 camere. Cazarea poate fi:
- gratuit pentru orice fata care va lucra cu mine o ora pe zi la tot ceea ce este necesar pentru a promova influencerii online (video cold calling / secretara / operator calculator / editor foto si video / calatorie pentru sedinte foto si video / alte lucruri). Pot chiar sa te platesc pana la 1000 EUR / luna (in functie de nivelul tau de competente) + pana la 4000 EUR / luna (comisioane).
- gratuit pentru influenceri online cu program full time.
- platit pentru influenceri online cu program part time (camera single 150 EUR pe luna / camera dubla 75 EUR pe luna). Toate celelalte cheltuieli sunt incluse.
- platit pentru parcare subterana dedicata (50 EUR / luna).
Videoclipuri si fotografii cu locatia (cladirea Monaco Towers, strada Berceni, nr. 96, Bucuresti foarte aproape de statia de metrou Dimitrie Leonida) pot fi furnizate la cerere.
Acesta este doar un exemplu de proiect de canal fara fata inceput la data de 2024.10.20 (copy & paste) :
Numar de telefon / Telegram / WhatsApp : 0720.121.072 Laurentiu.
English - I am looking to create and promote online influencers
I offer free accommodation (without money) under the following conditions:
I am looking to create and promote online influencers (boys / girls). We will be business partners based on 25% (marketing budget from income) + 25% (my share from profit) + 50% (your share from profit). I will handle the marketing and the management. You will handle the content creation. We will create faceless channels (even with mask or with face swap) or personal brand channels. Previous work experience in this type of business is not required.
Depending on the chosen category, accommodation can be offered in a 3-room apartment and possibly in a 2-room apartment. The accommodation can be:
- free for any girl that will work with me one hour per day on everything that is necessary to promote the online influencers (video cold calling / secretary / computer operator / photo and video editor / travel for photo and video shootings / other things). I can even pay you up to 1000 EUR / month (depending on your skills level) + up to 4000 EUR / month (commissions).
- free for online influencers with full time schedule.
- paid for online influencers with part time schedule (single room 150 EUR each month / double room 75 EUR each month). All other expenses included.
- paid for dedicated underground parking (50 EUR / month).
Videos and photos with the location (Monaco Towers building, Berceni street, number 96, Bucharest very close to Dimitrie Leonida subway station) can be provided upon request.
Example of categories : ambient video / book reviews / narrated / travel / asmr / scripts / law / motivational / quotes / lifestyle / fitness / voice over / unboxing / prepping / psychology / comedy / make money online / sales / kindness / copywrite / comparison / games / doctor / smma / finance / eating / whiteboard / mini nature / life coach / cooking / city walkthrough / shopify / business / survival / investing / drawing / gardening / stop adhd / timelapse / animals / tech / dating / real estate / meditation / donations / doctors / math / stop alcohol / stop smoking and so on.
This is just one example of a faceless channel project started on 2024.10.20 (copy & paste) :
Phone number / Telegram / WhatsApp : 0720.121.072 Laurentiu.
Ofer cazare gratuita (fara bani) in urmatoarele conditii:
Caut sa creez si sa promovez influenceri online (baieti/ fete). Vom fi parteneri de afaceri pe baza a 25% (bugetul de marketing din venituri) + 25% (partea mea din profit) + 50% (partea ta din profit). Eu ma voi ocupa de marketing si de management. Tu te vei ocupa de crearea de continut. Vom crea canale fara fata (chiar si cu masca sau cu schimb de fata) sau canale de brand personal. Experienta anterioara de lucru in acest tip de afacere nu este necesara.
In functie de categoria aleasa, cazarea poate fi oferita intr-un apartament cu 3 camere si, eventual, intr-un apartament cu 2 camere. Cazarea poate fi:
- gratuit pentru orice fata care va lucra cu mine o ora pe zi la tot ceea ce este necesar pentru a promova influencerii online (video cold calling / secretara / operator calculator / editor foto si video / calatorie pentru sedinte foto si video / alte lucruri). Pot chiar sa te platesc pana la 1000 EUR / luna (in functie de nivelul tau de competente) + pana la 4000 EUR / luna (comisioane).
- gratuit pentru influenceri online cu program full time.
- platit pentru influenceri online cu program part time (camera single 150 EUR pe luna / camera dubla 75 EUR pe luna). Toate celelalte cheltuieli sunt incluse.
- platit pentru parcare subterana dedicata (50 EUR / luna).
Videoclipuri si fotografii cu locatia (cladirea Monaco Towers, strada Berceni, nr. 96, Bucuresti foarte aproape de statia de metrou Dimitrie Leonida) pot fi furnizate la cerere.
Acesta este doar un exemplu de proiect de canal fara fata inceput la data de 2024.10.20 (copy & paste) :
Numar de telefon / Telegram / WhatsApp : 0720.121.072 Laurentiu.
English - I am looking to create and promote online influencers
I offer free accommodation (without money) under the following conditions:
I am looking to create and promote online influencers (boys / girls). We will be business partners based on 25% (marketing budget from income) + 25% (my share from profit) + 50% (your share from profit). I will handle the marketing and the management. You will handle the content creation. We will create faceless channels (even with mask or with face swap) or personal brand channels. Previous work experience in this type of business is not required.
Depending on the chosen category, accommodation can be offered in a 3-room apartment and possibly in a 2-room apartment. The accommodation can be:
- free for any girl that will work with me one hour per day on everything that is necessary to promote the online influencers (video cold calling / secretary / computer operator / photo and video editor / travel for photo and video shootings / other things). I can even pay you up to 1000 EUR / month (depending on your skills level) + up to 4000 EUR / month (commissions).
- free for online influencers with full time schedule.
- paid for online influencers with part time schedule (single room 150 EUR each month / double room 75 EUR each month). All other expenses included.
- paid for dedicated underground parking (50 EUR / month).
Videos and photos with the location (Monaco Towers building, Berceni street, number 96, Bucharest very close to Dimitrie Leonida subway station) can be provided upon request.
Example of categories : ambient video / book reviews / narrated / travel / asmr / scripts / law / motivational / quotes / lifestyle / fitness / voice over / unboxing / prepping / psychology / comedy / make money online / sales / kindness / copywrite / comparison / games / doctor / smma / finance / eating / whiteboard / mini nature / life coach / cooking / city walkthrough / shopify / business / survival / investing / drawing / gardening / stop adhd / timelapse / animals / tech / dating / real estate / meditation / donations / doctors / math / stop alcohol / stop smoking and so on.
This is just one example of a faceless channel project started on 2024.10.20 (copy & paste) :
Phone number / Telegram / WhatsApp : 0720.121.072 Laurentiu.
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Bucuresti, Sector 4, 04 Ian. '25 (14:42)