Vand snopi stuf pt acoperis si garduri. Reed bundles for roofs and fences

Vand snopi stuf pt acoperis si garduri. Reed bundles for roofs and fences.

Acoperisuri si accesorii
Montat corespunzator si intretinut la 10-20 ani, poate rezista si pana la 90 ani.

Stuful batut bine pe acoperis nu este inflamabil.

Constituie o izolatie exceptionala atat vara cat si iarna. Faceti economie la materiale de constructii si la consumul de energie.
In plus traiti ECO.

Daca ne trimiteti dimensiunile si pozele acoperisului dvs. va putem face o estimare de material si manopera.

Oferta de preturi o trimitem pe email sau whatsapp.

Vand stuf din Delta Dunarii, Jud Tulcea, Periprava, Letea, CA Rosetti.

Calitate premium export, factura, certificat de origine si garantie.

Livrari in Romania si in Europa.

Sortat, curat, legat in snopi cu circumferinta la baza in medie de 55 - 65 cm

Primele 8 imagini sunt reale restul sunt cu titlu orientativ.
Properly installed and maintained every 10-20 years, it can last up to 90 years.

The well-beaten reed on the roof is not flammable.

It constitutes an exceptional insulation both in summer and in winter. Save on construction materials and energy consumption.
In addition, you live ECO.

If you send us the dimensions and pictures of your roof, we can give you an estimate of the material and workmanship.

We send the price offer by email or whatsapp.

I am selling reeds from the Danube Delta, Tulcea County, Periprava, Letea, CA Rosetti.

Premium export quality, invoice, certificate of origin and warranty.

Deliveries in Romania and Europe.

Sorted, clean, tied in bundles with an average circumference at the base of 55 - 65 cm

The first 8 images are real, the rest are indicative.
777 vizualizari Tulcea, C.A. Rosetti, azi; 00:21